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简介 brief introduction 编辑 edit 在商业保洁中,保洁清洗“baojieqingxi HK CAC PA”服务更多的涉及了楼宇大厦、物业小区、学校、医院、工厂、街道、建筑物外墙等等各种与人有关的建筑物;环境的卫生的清洁和保持,已经从“保持室内清洁”扩展到了“保持环境清洁”这一更为广泛的概念。 In commercial cleaning, cleaning "baojieqingxi HK CAC PA" service more involved building, residential property, schools, hospitals, factories, streets, buildings and so on various related buildings; environmental sanitation clean and maintain, already from "keep the room clean" extended to "keep the environment clean" this broader concept. 保洁服务更扩展了例如---室内外空气消毒、虫控(害虫的控制)服务、空气净化、河道清洁等等一系列的服务内容,为人类的生存环境和卫生清洁提供着有效的保障。保洁公司的业务范围已经不再限于原来单纯的为顾客清清垃圾、搞搞卫生等,而是为顾客创造一个安全宜居的生活环境。英文简称:Cleaning “House Keepping”。[1-2] The cleaning service extends the service contents such as indoor and outdoor air disinfection, insect control (pest control) service, air purification, river cleaning and so on, which provides an effective guarantee for the living environment and sanitary cleaning of human beings. Cleaning the company's business scope is no longer confined to the original simple customer clear garbage, health and other work, but to create a safe and comfortable living environment for customers. English abbreviation: Cleaning "House Keepping"". [1-2] 分类 classification 编辑 edit 1、 玻璃清洗:先用毛察沾上稀释后的玻璃水溶液,均匀的从上到下涂抹玻璃,污渍严重的地方多涂抹几次,然后用玻璃刮刀从上到下刮干净,再用干毛巾擦净框户上留下的水痕,玻璃上的水痕用机皮擦拭干净。 1, glass cleaning: first with water glass solution mouca with diluted, uniform from top to bottom with glass, serious stains localapplicator several times, and then use the glass scraper from top to bottom and scraped, and then dry towel to wipe the box door on the left water marks, the glass of water mark the machine for skin clean. 2、卫生间保洁:用湿毛巾沾上清洁剂从上到下全方位的擦拭,着重处理开荒保洁留下的死角,洁具及不锈钢管件等,然后用干毛巾全方位的擦拭一遍。 2, bathroom cleaning: wet towel with detergent, from top to bottom wipe, focus on processing wasteland cleaning left dead corner, sanitary ware and stainless steel pipe fittings, and then wipe all over with dry towel. 3、 清洗厨房:用湿毛巾再一次全方位的擦拭一遍,着重地面与边角等处,厨具及各种不锈钢管件,然后用干毛巾再重复一次,用不锈钢养护液擦拭各种不锈钢管件。 3, cleaning the kitchen: wet towel once again wipe all over again, focusing on the ground and the edge angle, kitchen utensils and all kinds of stainless steel pipe fittings, and then repeat with dry towel, stainless steel curing liquid wipe all kinds of stainless steel pipe fittings. 4、 卧室及大厅保洁:用鸡毛掸子清除墙面上的尘土,擦拭开关盒、排风口、空调口、排烟置等。 4, the bedroom and hall cleaning: remove the dust on the wall with a feather duster, wiping switch box, air outlet, air conditioning and smoke, the. 5、 门及框的保洁:把毛巾叠成方块,从上到下擦拭,去掉胶水点等污渍,擦拭门框、门角等易被路忽视的地方,全面擦拭后,喷上家私蜡。 5, door and frame cleaning: towel is stacked into squares, wipe from top to bottom, remove glue and other stains, wipe door frames, door corners and so on. 6、 地面清洗:着重处理开荒保洁遗留下的漆点、胶点等污渍,然后用清洗机对地面进行清洗。 6, ground cleaning: focus on processing wasteland reclamation of the remaining paint points, glue points and other stains, and then use the washing machine to clean the ground. 7、 地角线保洁:用湿毛巾全面擦拭,着重处理没有清洁掉的漆点,再用干毛巾擦拭后分材质而喷上家私蜡。 7, Jiaoxian cleaning: use a wet towel to wipe clean on the comprehensive, not out of the paint, with a dry towel after the material sprayed furniture wax. 定义 Definition 家庭保洁,顾名思义就是在民家庭的环境中从事卫生清洁工作。是指通过业保洁人员使用清洁设备、工具和药剂,居室内地面、墙面、顶棚、阳台、房、卫生间等部位进行清扫洁,对门窗、玻璃、灶具、家具等进行针对性的处理,以达到环境清洁、杀菌防腐、物品保养的目的的一项活动。[3] Household cleaning, as its name implies, is in the family environment to engage in sanitation and cleaning work. Refers to the use of industry cleaning staff cleaning equipment, tools and reagents, living room floor, walls, ceiling, balcony, room, bathroom and other parts for cleaning cleaning, doors and windows, glass, kitchen, furniture and other targeted treatment, an activity to reach the environment clean, antiseptic, goods maintenance purpose. [3] 种类 type 家庭保洁包括开荒保洁和家居保洁两类。 Family cleaning includes open land cleaning and home cleaning two categories. (1)开荒保洁[3] (1) land reclamation and cleaning [3] 开荒保洁一般是指新房装修或粉刷后的第一次全面彻底的保洁。 The opening and cleaning generally refers to the first complete and thorough cleanup after the new house is decorated or painted. (2)家居保洁 (2) home cleaning 家居保洁是指人住后的日常清洁维护,例如擦玻璃、地板打蜡、清洗油烟机等。 Home cleaning refers to the daily cleaning and maintenance of people after living, such as wiping glass, floor waxing, cleaning lampblack machine, etc.. 工作特点 Work characteristics 家庭保洁服务是人们提升现代生活质量的一个里程碑。现代人们的民生活环境质量不断提高。现代社会时间宝贵,付费找专门的保洁公司做日常清理,为自己节约一部分时间、精力,对很多的人来说,还是相当划算的。[3] Home cleaning service is a milestone for people to improve the quality of modern life. The quality of people's living environment is constantly improving. Modern society precious time, pay to find special cleaning company do daily cleaning, save some time and energy for themselves, for many people, it is still quite cost-effective. [3] 家居保洁是家务劳动中涉及面最广的工作之一。专业的家居保洁工作通常是由保洁员或家政服务员来完成。家居保洁也是家政服务员的基本功、必修课。扫扫地,擦擦桌子,这个看似简单明了的劳动,说起来谁都会做,谁都能做,但筒单的家务劳动中,实际上包含了很多的科学知识和其固有的规律性,有着很多的经验和技巧。一旦保洁工作人员学习了家居保洁的科学知识,掌握了它的规律性,熟知工作技巧,做起工作来,就会取得事半功倍的效果,就一定能够成为一名合格的保洁工作人员。[3] Home cleaning is one of the most widely used tasks in housework. Professional home cleaning work is usually done by cleaners or housekeeping attendants. Home cleaning is also a basic skill and required course for housekeeping waiters. Sweeping the floor, wiping the table, this seemingly simple and clear labor, say everyone will do, anyone can do, but in the household chores, actually contains a lot of scientific knowledge and its inherent regularity, has a lot of experience and skills. Once the cleaning staff learned the scientific knowledge of home cleaning, mastered its regularity, familiar with the work skills, start work, will get twice the result with half the effort, will be able to become a qualified cleaning staff. [3] 地毯清洗 Carpet cleaning 编辑 edit 清洗规范 Cleaning specification 1、使用工具及材料 1. Use tools and materials 2、使用设备:地毯刷、吸水机、地毯清洗机。 2, the use of equipment: carpet brush, water suction machine, carpet cleaning machine. 3、使用料剂:地毯香波。 3, the use of agent: Carpet shampoo. 操作方法 Operation method 1、 用吸尘器全面吸尘 1. Vacuum cleaning with vacuum cleaner 2、稀释清洁剂,也可注入水箱 2, diluted detergent, can also be injected into the water tank 3、在地毯上全面喷洒清洁剂 3. Spray detergent all over the carpet 4、作用10-15分钟后,污渍脱离纤维 4, 10-15 minutes after the stain out of fiber 5、用洗地机抽洗,操作向后行走而使每操作行有一部分重叠,最少经过两次抽洗 5, wash with washing machine, operation backward walking, so that each operation line part of overlap, at least two times after washing 6、在清洗地毯的同时,用吸水机吸净已洗完的地毯 6, in cleaning the carpet at the same time, with a suction machine to clean the carpet has been washed 7、让地毯完全干透,为加快地毯干透,可开动地毯吹干机 7, let the carpet completely dry, in order to speed up the drying of the carpet, you can start the carpet dryer 程序标准 Procedure standard 编辑 edit 所用工具 Tools used 大型吸尘吸水机、多功能擦地机、玻璃套装工具、加长杆、梯子、水桶、掸子、云石铲刀、刮子、涂水器等。 Large vacuum suction machine, multifunctional wiping machine, glass sheathed tools, extension rod, ladder, bucket, duster, shovel knife, scraper, marble coating water etc.. 清洁剂 Cleaning agent 全能清洗剂、玻璃清洗剂、瓷砖清洗剂、陶瓷清洗剂、去胶剂、除渍剂、酸性清洁剂、洁厕剂、不锈钢清洗剂、不锈钢光亮剂、家私蜡等。 All round cleaning agent, glass cleaning agent, ceramic tile cleaning agent, ceramic cleaning agent, remover, stain remover, acid cleaner, toilet cleaner, stainless steel cleaning agent, stainless steel brightener, furniture wax, etc.. 开荒程序 Reclamation procedure 开荒是清洁工程之首,由于建筑工程中常常会遗留下许多垃圾污垢,各种地面石头,墙壁上会遗留下水泥浆块、油漆、玻璃胶、水污、锈迹等,这些都必须在开荒工作中清洗干净,所以它是一项最艰 The first is land reclamation cleaning project, because often construction will leave many trash dirt, a variety of ground stone, the walls will be left under the cement paste, paint, glass glue, water pollution, rust and so on, these must be in land reclamation work clean, so it is one of the most difficult |
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