保洁公司私藏的打扫技巧 这里齐了! |
添加时间:2017/12/14 16:43:09 浏览次数: |
日常打扫中,家里总有一些死角被妈妈们所忽略,时间久了污垢就会变的非常顽固,难以清洗。这里就分享给妈妈们一些打扫技巧,让你轻松应对各种家务。 In the daily cleaning, there are some dead angles in the family that are ignored by the mothers. The dirt will become very stubborn and difficult to clean for a long time. Here we share some cleaning skills for the mothers, so that you can easily cope with all kinds of housework. [9] [9] 1.纱窗巧清洁 1. screen window cleaning 将旧报纸用湿抹布打湿,然后贴附在纱窗上,等过了五分钟之后,就可以取下报纸。此时你会发现报纸上吸附了大量的物资,而纱窗竟然焕然一新。 Wet the old newspaper with a wet cloth, and then attach it to the window. After five minutes, you can take the newspaper. At this time you will find that the newspaper has a large amount of material, and the screen is completely new. 2.牙刷清洁死角 2. toothbrushes clean the dead angle 房间的角落、地铁和墙壁的接缝处非常容易积灰、发霉,清洁起来也非常不便,此时可以用旧牙刷进行清洁。如果是比较顽固的物质,还可以蘸些洗涤剂,洗完后用水擦拭一下即可。 The joint of the corner of the room, the subway and the wall is very easy to accumulate ash, mildew, and it is very inconvenient to clean up, and the old toothbrush can be cleaned at this time. If it is a relatively stubborn substance, you can dip some detergent and wipe it with water after washing. 3.湿报纸除扬灰 3. wet newspaper in addition to ash 扫地的时候免不了尘土飞扬,但是现如今家中大多是地板,不能直接洒水。此时不妨将湿报纸撕碎,然后撒在地面上,你会发现扫地也可以如此轻松。 When the ground is swept, it can not help dust, but now most of the home is the floor, can not directly sprinkle water. At this point, you can tear up the wet newspaper and sprinkle it on the ground, and you'll find that it can be so easy to sweep the floor. 4.醋去挂钩无痕迹 4. vinegar has no trace to the hook 粘贴式挂钩拆除起来非常麻烦。其实可以用棉花蘸少许醋并涂抹在挂钩四周,过了几分钟之后,就可以用起子轻松翘起,残留的痕迹也可以用醋去除干净。 It is very troublesome to remove the sticker. In fact, cotton can be dipped in a little vinegar and spread around the hooks. After a few minutes, it can be lifted easily, and the remaining traces can also be removed with vinegar. 5.用盐洗窗帘 5. washing the curtains with salt 窗帘可能因为尼古丁而发黄,此时单纯用洗衣机洗并无作用。其实可以在清洗之前,放入半杯食盐浸泡,一天以后再加入洗衣粉清洗,窗帘就会恢复洁白。 The curtain may be yellow because of nicotine, and it does not work simply by washing the machine. In fact, before cleaning, put in a half cup of salt soak, after a day after adding detergent cleaning, the curtain will be white. 6.食用油去物资 6. edible oil to material 餐桌上可能会出现一些点状的污渍,此时只要滴点食用油和盐,就能刷干净。 There may be some spot - like stains on the table, as long as the drop of oil and salt can be used. 7.牙膏除水垢 7. toothpaste in addition to scale 茶垢往往非常顽固,很难洗干净。其实只要用细布配合一些牙膏,就能轻松擦除。而厨房墙壁上的可以用面包擦除。 Tea is often very stubborn, difficult to clean. In fact, as long as the cloth with some toothpaste, you can easily erase. And the kitchen wall can be erased with bread. 8.旧袜子是好抹布 8. old socks are good rag 抹布用起来很不顺手?其实把旧袜子套在手上,你会发现它用起来非常方便,灰尘一擦就没了。 Is the rag very disorderly? In fact, put the old socks on the hand, you will find it is very convenient to use, the dust is gone. 9.茶叶有助于除尘 9. tea helps to dust the dust 打扫的时候,先撒上一些湿润的茶叶,然后你会发现扫起来很轻松。当然,这茶叶最好是喝过的。 When cleaning, sprinkle with some moist tea, and then you will find it easy to sweep. Of course, it's best to drink. 10.洋葱擦玻璃 10. onions wipe the glass 洋葱去皮后切成两半,让后用切口擦玻璃,待汁液未挥发前,迅速用抹布擦干,这样的玻璃非常感觉明亮。 When the onion is skinned, cut in half and then wipe the glass with the incision. Before the juice is volatile, dry with a cloth, so the glass is very bright. 11.淘米水洗床单 11. rice washing sheets 先用淘米水浸泡白色床单、窗帘,之后再清洗,这样洗的更加干净,而且还有增白效果。 First use rice water to soak white sheets, curtains, then rinse, so that the washing is more clean, and there is a whitening effect. 12.浓茶去物资 12. thick tea to go to materials 抹布先放在浓茶水里浸透,之后用它擦洗桌椅等家具,能让家具变得光亮如新。 The rag is soaked in the thick tea water first, then scrubbing the furniture, such as tables and chairs, can make the furniture bright as new. 13.瓷砖接缝处的黑垢 13. black dirt at the joint of ceramic tile 牙刷配合牙膏刷洗干净,然后用融化的蜡烛密封接缝处,这样以后就很难再沾染上油污了。 The toothbrush is cleaned with toothpaste and sealed with a melted candle, so it is difficult to stain the oil later. 14.醋通花洒莲蓬头 14. vinegar through the shower head 塑料袋装点醋,扎在莲蓬头上让其泡一夜,堵住的莲蓬头直接就通了。 Plastic bags of vinegar, let it soak overnight in the shower bar, blocked directly through the shower. 15.烟盒去茶渍 15. cigarette to tea 茶几上会有一些茶渍,可以现在桌子上撒些水,然后用烟盒中的锡箔纸来擦拭,之后用水冲洗即可。 There will be some tea on the table, the table can now sprinkle some water, and then with a cigarette in the foil to wipe, then rinse with water. 16.木质家具的烫痕 16. the blanching of wood furniture 用抹布蘸些酒精、花露水、碘酒或浓茶,在痕迹上擦拭;或者在痕迹部位涂抹凡士林,隔两天擦掉即可。 Use cloth dipped in some alcohol, toilet water, iodine or tea, wipe the traces; or smearing Vaseline in the trace part, every two days can be erased. 17.木质家具的焦痕 The scorch of 17. wood furniture 牙签包裹一层硬布,在焦痕处擦拭,之后涂上一层蜡,痕迹就消失了。 The toothpick parcels a layer of hard cloth, wipes it at the scorch mark and then spreads it on a layer of wax, and the trace will disappear. 18.地板或木质家具出现裂缝 Cracks in 18. floor or wooden furniture 旧报纸撕碎,加入明矾和清水,打成糊状后填进裂缝中磨平。待干燥后,再涂上同种颜色的油漆,家具就会恢复如初。 The old newspaper rip up, add alum and clean water, fill it into a paste and fill in the cracks. After drying, paint the same color, the furniture will be restored to the beginning. 19.电冰箱除霜 19. refrigerator defrosting 切断电源后,用电风扇对着冷冻室开到最大档位,这样霜会融化的非常快,清除起来也比较容易。 When the power is cut off, the fan is opened to the maximum gear in the freezer and the frost will melt so quickly that it is easier to clear it. 20.白色家具巧去渍 20. white furniture is skillfully soaked 牙膏挤在干净的抹布上,轻轻一擦污渍就消失了。注意力气不要太大,以免伤到家具表面。 The toothpaste is squeezed on the clean cloth, and the gently wipe the stain disappears. Be careful not to be too big to hurt the surface of the furniture. 21.水龙头污渍 21. faucet stains 水龙头污渍也比较难去除,其实只要用海绵蘸些牙膏擦拭,就可以轻松去除。此外这种方法也能用去清洗脸盆和浴缸。 The faucet stain is also difficult to remove, in fact, as long as the sponge dipped in some toothpaste wipe, it can be easily removed. In addition, this method can also be used to clean the washbasin and bathtub. |
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