保洁工作安全及注意事项 |
添加时间:2018/9/6 14:53:36 浏览次数: |
Cleaning work safety and matters needing attention
Cleaning work safety and matters needing attention
Ensure that every employee works safely and maintains the company's environmental quality and improves the quality of cleaning.
1. 个人安全装备
1. personal safety equipment
(1) 所有洗手间服务员在工作时必须带上手套、口罩、护眼罩及胶手套。口罩应该
(1) all toilets must wear gloves, masks, eye protector and rubber gloves when working. The mask should be
Change at least once a day.
(2) 如发现鞋底过分平滑时,必须更换。 (3) 员工制服裤脚不宜太长以免绊脚。
(2) if shoes are found to be too smooth, they must be replaced. (3) the staff should not be too long to avoid stumbling.
(4) 高空工作的时候,要戴上眼罩,避免水滴滴进眼睛。
(4) when you work at high altitude, you should wear an eyed mask to avoid water dripping into your eyes.
2. 使用清洁剂
2. use detergent.
(1) 切勿将不同的清洁剂混合,这样容易产生有毒气体或者爆炸。
(1) do not mix different detergents so that toxic gases or explosions are likely to occur.
(2) 稀释清洁剂或分装清洁剂时,应该戴上口罩、眼罩及手套,以防溅入眼鼻。 (3) 如果不慎被清洁剂弄伤眼睛或者皮肤,应立即使用大量的清水冲洗,并尽快通知当值的主管。
(2) When diluting detergent or sub-packed detergent, should wear mask, eye mask and gloves to prevent splashing into the nose and eyes. (3) If an eye or skin is injured by a cleanser, wash it immediately with a large amount of water and notify the supervisor on duty as soon as possible.
3. 工作环境安全
3. working environment safety
(1) 在清洁前,检查你的工具是否齐全、完好,如有损坏,必须向主管报告及更
(1) Before cleaning, check that your tools are complete and in good condition, and report to the supervisor if damaged.
Change, do not repair privately, avoid danger.
(2) 如照明度不足,需马上向主管报告,尽快修理。
(2) if the brightness is not enough, report to the supervisor immediately and repair as soon as possible.
(3) 如发现地板有洞或崩裂,须立即通知工程部填补,以防跌倒。
(3) if the floor is found to have holes or cracks, it is necessary to inform the engineering department immediately to fill in so as not to fall.
(4) 若发现工作器具损毁时,须马上通知主管进行更换。
(4) if a device is found to be damaged, it must be immediately notified to the supervisor for replacement.
(5) 如发现客人或员工的意外事故,立即向上司主管报告。
(5) report immediately to the supervisor if a guest or employee is found to have an accident.
(6) 留意有否危险工作情况,如有发现,立即向主管报告。
(6) pay attention to dangerous work and report to the supervisor immediately.
(7) 开关门时,必须用手按门锁手柄,勿用手按于门边。
(7) when you open the door, you must press the door lock handle with your hands. Do not press your hand to the door.
(8) 不要随便触动防火设备,如自动洒水器/烟雾报警器等。
(8) do not touch fire-fighting equipment, such as automatic sprinkler / smoke alarm.
(9) 如需向高处拿取物品,应利用稳固的梯,并请同事协助,不可单独登高取物。
(9) If it is necessary to take something from a high place, a solid ladder should be used and a colleague should be invited to assist. The object should not be taken up alone.
(10) 如工作场地有湿滑或有油污,应立即抹去,以防他人及自己滑倒并在清洁
(10) If the workplace is slippery or oily, it should be wiped away immediately to prevent others and themselves from slipping and cleaning
It is necessary to place caution signs for "slipping carefully".
(11) 如洗手间内设备有损坏或易耗品用完未及时补上,不能提供服务,必须放置
(11) If the equipment in the toilet is damaged or the consumables are not repaired in time, the service can not be provided and must be placed.
"Suspend service" logo.
4. 搬运重物
4. carrying heavy loads
(1) 尽量将笨重物品放置较低之地方。
(1) try to place the clumsy items as low as possible.
(2) 搬运重物要额外小心扭伤。
(2) care must be taken for handling heavy injuries.
(3) 当搬运笨重物品于工作车时,物品高度切勿阻碍推车人之视线,物品较多时应
(3) When handling heavy articles on the working cart, the height of the articles should not obstruct the sight of the trolley. If there are too many articles, the trolley should not obstruct the sight of the trolley.
Separate transportation.
5. 处理呕吐物及血液
5. dealing with vomit and blood.
Gloves and masks must be worn when dealing with vomit and blood.
6. 清理玻璃碎片
6. cleaning glass fragments
When cleaning broken glass fragments and porcelain fragments, use brooms and garbage shovels to clean them. Do not pick them up by hand.
7. 洗地
7. washing land
When washing the floor, pay attention to wetting the power source and electric shock, and must be placed in the eye warning signs, and must wait until the ground is completely dry before taking away.
8. 吸尘
8. dust absorption
Wires should be as close as possible to the permissible power outlet, as far as possible to the side, do not trip pedestrians.
Staff work discipline requirements and work matters needing attention
1、纪律修养。熟知项目及公司的各项规章制度和各项劳动纪律, 熟练掌握本岗工作内容、操作规程。具有严格遵守劳动纪律的自觉性和积极性。
1, discipline and self-cultivation. Familiar with the rules and regulations of the project and the company and the labor discipline, skilled in mastering the job content, operating procedures. It has the consciousness and enthusiasm to strictly observe labor discipline.
2. Work attendance system. Go to work on time, not late, leave early; go to work and leave work to take the staff channel, not absenteeism, not unauthorized departure, do not gather people to make trouble, do not have nothing to do, strictly implement the succession system, may not change shifts privately, must find a good replacement when the shift, with the consent of the supervisor before the shift can be changed.
3, employees should not drink before eating, eat raw green onion, garlic and other foods. No smoking, snacks and chewing gum at work.
4, working hours should not do anything irrelevant to this work.
5. No visitors are allowed during working hours, no relatives or friends are allowed to play or chat in the property management area, and no phone calls are answered in public areas.
6, do not eat in the work area, do not rest at non rest time and place.
7. Public facilities and facilities in the project. Attention should be paid to saving raw materials, saving electricity and water, and not taking public goods.
8、服从分配,服从领导,听从指挥。领导分配的任务,主动接受,认真完成,及时汇报;避免自作主张、玩忽职守,造成不良影响和经济损失的现象发生。 9、每名员工上、下班时必须签到,严禁代人或委托他人代签到,违者给予处罚。 10、操作纪律。服务过程中严格遵守操作程序或操作规程。严格按服务质量标准提供服务,不允许违章作业。杜绝违反操作规程和大厦制度的现象发生。 11、自觉遵守公司的各项规章制度,损坏丢失机器设备、工具、工作服按公司规定赔偿。
8, obey the distribution, obey the leadership and obey the command. Leaders should take the initiative to accept the assigned tasks, complete them conscientiously and report them in time, and avoid making their own opinions and neglecting their duties, resulting in adverse effects and economic losses. 9. Every employee must sign in on or off duty. It is forbidden to sign in on behalf of others or entrust others. Those who violate the law shall be punished. 10, operation discipline. Strictly abide by operation procedures or operation procedures during the service process. Strictly provide service according to service quality standard and do not allow illegal operation. Eliminate the violation of rules of operation and building system. 11. Consciously abide by the company's rules and regulations, damages lost machinery, equipment, tools, work clothes according to the company's provisions of compensation.
12, do not move the guests' articles at work, strictly prohibit theft, and collect all the items to the department leaders. All items picked up in the project should be handed over to the public without permission.
14、客人赠送的物品应先向上级报告,得到批准后方可带走。 15、下班后应按规定离开工作现场,不得在岗上停留。
14, the guests should be reported to the higher authorities for approval, can be taken away after approval. 15. After leaving work, they should leave the work site according to the regulations and not stay on duty.
Application of "eight steps" in cleaning management of hospitals
“没有破产的行业,只有破产的企业。”《细节决定成败》细节的重要性及精细化管理的“八化”的代表性观点以及 “八化”在医院物业保洁中的应用。
"There is no bankrupt industry, only bankrupt enterprises." The importance of details, the representative viewpoint of "Eightification" and the application of "Eightification" in hospital property cleaning are discussed.
1、细化 细化是精细化管理的基础,按照公司要求和医院现场实
1, refinement and refinement is the basis for meticulous management, according to company requirements and hospital reality. |
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