商场保洁员的岗位职责 |
添加时间:2019/3/13 15:39:28 浏览次数: |
商场保洁员的岗位职责 Job duties of a shopping mall cleaner 1.保洁员必须每天准时上班,做到不迟到不早退,听从分配及管理。 1., cleaners must work punctually every day, so that they will not be late, do not leave early, and listen to the distribution and management. 2.上班报到时必须填好每日上班时间考勤表。 2., we must fill in the daily attendance time sheet when we go to work. 3.在员工更衣室换好工作服,带好工作证。 3., change the work clothes in the staff dressing room, take the work permit. 4.上班时间不允许做工作外的事情,(例如:发短信聊天,织毛衣等)要做到人走清洁工具跟随,不乱放。 4., it is not allowed to work outside the office during work hours, for example, text messaging, knitting, sweater and so on. People must follow the cleaning tools. 5.上班时间不允许在公共区域(或办公区域)喧闹或聚会聊天,上班时间工作交谈声音小点。 5. no time to work in public area (or office area) noisy or party chat, work hours, work and talk quietly. 6.工作时间做好工作记录,每月发工资前提交工作记录和考勤记录。 6., record the work hours and submit the work records and attendance records before the monthly payroll. 7.时刻要意识到客人走后该清理的物品(例如:茶杯、烟灰缸、茶几擦拭等)。 7., we should realize that the items that should be cleaned up after the guests go away (for example: tea cups, ashtray, tea table wipes, etc.). 8.中午只少有壹人保持在大厅值班巡逻卫生,做到一人一岗,各负其责,公用部位做到每隔20分钟巡逻一次。(例如:卫生间纸盒、马桶冲洗、地面清洁、洗脸盘毛巾折叠整齐)。 8., at noon, there are only a few people who keep patrolling in the hall for patrol. They do their duty one by one, and the public parts are patrolled every 20 minutes. (for example, toilet cartons, toilet flushing, floor cleaning, washes, towels and neatness). 9.中午领导休息时,请勿打搅。(例如:送报纸、擦桌子等)。 9. at noon, when the leadership rest, please do not disturb. (for example: Send a newspaper, wipe a table, etc.). 10.下雨时,客户雨伞要负责放到伞架上,并将地面上雨水清洁干净。 10. when it rains, the customer is responsible to the umbrella stand, and the ground water clean. 11.收拾好的报纸及其它物品,未经甲方同意,禁止保洁员私自出售。 11., clean up newspapers and other articles, without Party A's consent, prohibit the cleaning staff from selling privately. 12.上班时间有事外出,必须向甲方请假,并将请假时间记录于考勤表。 12., when I go out for work, I must ask for leave from Party A and leave the time for leave to be recorded in the attendance sheet. 13.保洁员打扫卫生间时,有客人进入时,保洁员应极时回避。 13. cleaning staff should clean up the bathroom when guests enter. 14.下班前,大堂公共地面必须尘推一次,垃圾桶清理,检查是否关好门窗、水龙头、电源开关。是否收拾好保洁工具和清洁用品(例如:梯子、拖把等)。 14., before going off work, the lobby must be dug once and the trash can is cleaned up to check whether the doors and windows, the faucet and the power switch are closed. Do you clean up cleaning tools and cleaning supplies (for example: ladder, mop, etc.). 15.保洁员必须做到对公司管理保密,对工作负责。 15., cleaning staff must be responsible for the company's confidentiality and responsibility. 16.保洁人员上班时间应保持通信联络(上班手机保持开通),以便管理人员有事能急时找到工作人员。 16., cleaning staff should maintain communication and liaison work hours during work hours, so that managers can find staff when things are urgent. |
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