保洁即现今社会意义上的清洁工作 |
添加时间:2020/1/10 14:01:47 浏览次数: |
保洁即现今社会意义上的清洁工作,它既包含一般清洁卫生工作的内容,又区别于一般的清洁卫生工作。通常保洁是由经过专门培训的专业技术人员,使用专门的清洁机器,清洁工具和清洁剂,按照科学的统筹方法,正确的技术规范操作,对服务现场的各种材质进行有针对性的清洗和护理,以求保持其应有的表面光泽和高洁净度的一项专业化的工作。 Cleaning is the cleaning work in the sense of the present society. It not only includes the contents of the general cleaning work, but also differs from the general cleaning work. Generally, cleaning is a specialized work by specially trained professional and technical personnel, using special cleaning machines, cleaning tools and cleaning agents, operating according to scientific overall planning methods and correct technical specifications, to carry out targeted cleaning and care for various materials on the service site, so as to maintain their due surface luster and high cleanliness. 保洁工作决不是一块抹布一把扫帚那么简单,各种不同的建筑材料需要使用各种不同的清洁剂,各种现代化清洁设备(多功能洗地机、吸水吸尘器、高压射流机、高温蒸气机、烘干机等)的操作使用,使现代化清洁工作有了相当程度的科学性和专业性。 Cleaning work is by no means as simple as a rag and a broom. Different building materials need to use different cleaners. The operation and use of various modern cleaning equipment (multi-functional floor washer, suction cleaner, high-pressure jet machine, high-temperature steam machine, dryer, etc.) make the modern cleaning work scientific and professional to a certain extent. 家中的新旧家具经历了时间的考验,问题也随之而来,脏污、划痕、开裂、甚至变形,会让人看了很不舒服。大问题有厂家保修,小问题自己就能搞定。 The new and old furniture in the home has experienced the test of time, and the problems also follow. Dirt, scratches, cracks and even deformation will make people uncomfortable. Big problems have manufacturer's warranty, small problems can be solved by themselves. A、藤器或竹器制品用久了就会有积垢,变色,可用食盐水擦洗,既可去污,又能使其柔松有韧性。平时用湿手巾擦擦可使其保持清洁。 A. Rattan or bamboo products will have scale and discoloration when they are used for a long time. They can be scrubbed with salt water, which can not only decontaminate, but also make them soft and flexible. Wipe it with a wet towel to keep it clean. B、在贴防火板的茶几上泡茶,久而久之会留下难看的片片污迹。这时,您可以在桌上洒些水,用香烟盒里的锡箔纸来擦拭,再用水擦洗,就能把茶迹洗掉。 B. Make tea on the tea table with fire-proof board, which will leave unsightly stains over time. At this time, you can sprinkle some water on the table, wipe with the tin foil paper in the cigarette box, and then scrub with water, you can wash off the tea stains. C、热杯盘等直接放在家具漆面上,会留下一圈的烫痕。一般只要用煤油、酒精、花露水或浓茶蘸湿的抹布擦拭即可,或用碘酒在烫痕上轻轻擦抹或涂上一层凡士林油;隔两日再用抹布擦拭烫痕即可消除。 C. Hot cups and plates are directly placed on the furniture paint surface, leaving a circle of hot marks. Generally, it is only necessary to use kerosene, alcohol, dew or strong tea dipped in a wet rag to wipe, or use iodine to gently wipe or apply a layer of vaseline oil on the burn mark; and then wipe the burn mark with a rag every two days to eliminate. D、烟火、烟灰或未熄灭的火柴等燃烧物;有时会在家具漆面上留下焦痕。如果只是漆面烧灼,可在牙签上包一层细硬布轻轻擦抹痕迹。然后涂上一层蜡,焦痕即可除去。 D. Burning objects such as fireworks, ashes or matches that have not been put out; sometimes they will leave scorching marks on the lacquer surface of furniture. If it's just paint burning, you can wrap a thin hard cloth on toothpick and wipe the trace gently. Then apply a layer of wax, and the scorch mark can be removed. |
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