物业保洁员工作职责 |
添加时间:2022/9/6 15:07:21 浏览次数: |
物业保洁员工作职责 Job duties of a property cleaner 1、负责本辖区内公共环境及办公区域的垃圾回放清运工作; 1, responsible for public environment and office area within the jurisdiction of the garbage removal work playback; 2、负责所属辖区公共设施、设备的清洁工作; 2, responsible for the cleanliness of public facilities and equipment in the subordinate area. 3、负责所属辖区公共区域和办公区域的消杀工作; 3, responsible for the area of public area and office area of disinfection work; 4、负责客户要求的各种清洁服务工作; 4, responsible for all kinds of cleaning services requested by customers. 5、负责辖区绿化的养护和修整工作; 5, responsible for the maintenance and repair work of the district greening; 6、日常工作接受服务部部长及保洁所所长的督导,直接向保洁领班负责; 6, the daily work is supervised by the Minister of service and the director of cleaning department, directly responsible to the cleaning leader. 7、负责所在岗位的办公楼宇内外保洁、外墙清洁工作等各种清洁工作; 7, responsible for all kinds of cleaning work such as office building cleaning inside and outside, cleaning of external walls, etc. 8、遵守公司规章制度,穿戴整洁,时刻注意仪容仪表,使用文明用语,控制性情,保持良好服务心态; 8, comply with company rules and regulations, dress neatly, always pay attention to appearance and appearance, use civilized language, control temperament and maintain good service mentality. 9、按本岗位的要求按时上岗,不得出现脱岗、空岗现象,忠于职守; 9, according to the demands of the job work on time, not off-site, vacancy phenomenon, loyalty; 10、严格执行本岗位工作的操作规程,按具体规定严格执行; 10, strictly implement the operation rules of this post, and carry out strictly according to specific regulations. 11、遇到突发事件,积极处理,并迅速报告上级; 11, deal with emergencies, actively deal with them and report to superiors quickly. 12、发现办公区石家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅 保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 北京电动门 保定养老院 保定防水域内出现行径可疑人员,及时汇报至安防部; 12, find suspicious persons in the office area and report to the security department in time. 13、在工作期间不得为他人做自己职责以外的任何事情; 13, during the working period, no other duties can be done for others. 14、工作期间不得打私人电话,有急事与本部领班联系处理; 14, no personal phone calls can be made during the working period. 15、不损坏公物,不浪费日常保洁消耗品,使用、保管好所有设备、工具; 15, do not damage public property, do not waste daily cleaning supplies, use and keep all the equipment and tools. |
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