保洁服务的具体要求 |
添加时间:2022/12/12 14:20:56 浏览次数: |
保洁服务的具体要求 The specific requirements of cleaning service 结合医院卫生要求与就诊环境,我院特制定如下要求: According to the hospital health requirements and the medical environment, our hospital set up the following requirements: (1)保洁服务的目标:营造整洁、安全、符合院感要求的医院环境,提高患者及医护人员对医院环境的满意度; (1) the goal of cleaning service: to create a clean, safe, hospital environment that meets the requirements of the hospital, and to improve the satisfaction of the patients and the medical staff to the hospital environment. (2)有完善的保洁工作标准化服务体系,达到工具标准化、操作标准化、服务标准化;有完善的管理制度、工作目标、实施方案、工作规范、质量控制标准、岗位责任制、突发事件应急管理制度和应急预案等并严格执行;在保洁管理工作中能不断创新; (2) improve the cleaning work standardization service system, achieve the tool standardization, standardization of operation and service standardization; perfect management system, work goal, implementation plan, work standards, quality control standards and post responsibility system, emergency management system and emergency plan and strictly implement energy; innovation in cleaning management work; (3)按区域设立保洁责任人,保证岗位人员数量,有缺勤人员及时补充,不得影响保洁工作。物业管理人员负责监管服务区卫生质量; (3) to set up a cleaning responsibility person according to the region, to ensure the number of post personnel, and to supplement the staff in time, and not to affect the cleaning work. The property managers are responsible for the supervision of the quality of the service area. (4)有对保洁员业务、医院感染知识、安全知识、服务礼仪等培训计划,定期进行培训及考核;对新入职的保洁员有培训计划,考核达标上岗; (4) there are training programs for cleaning staff, knowledge about hospital infection, safety knowledge, service etiquette, regular training and assessment, and training plan for new recruited cleaners. (5)保洁员仪表整洁、统一着装、佩戴胸牌;热情服务、语言文明;坚守岗位,操作规范;在工作时间不得做工作以外的事情,不得积攒和贩卖废品; (5) cleaning staff is neat in appearance, uniform in clothing, wearing chest cards, enthusiastic service, language civilization, stick to post and operation standard, and can not work outside work at work time, and can not accumulate and sell waste products. (6)按时清洁、巡视服务区的卫生,保证医院各区域环境、设施、用具等整洁。公共区域、门诊、病房按照正常保洁程序工作,特殊区域按照甲方要求工作。工作中严格执行消毒隔离制度,符合院感要求,达到甲方各项检查标准; (6) clean and inspect the health of the service area on time, and ensure the cleanliness of the environment, facilities and appliances in all areas of the hospital. Public areas, outpatients and wards are working in accordance with normal cleaning procedures, and special areas are required to work in accordance with Party A's requirements. In the work, the system of disinfection and isolation is strictly implemented, which meets the requirements of the hospital and meets the inspection standards of Party A. (7)地面光洁无尘土及杂物;PVC地面无污渍及烟烫痕迹、石材地面无污渍,每季度专业保养,作好记录;地毯无灰尘,每周专业吸尘清洁;楼梯及扶手光洁无尘;墙面目视无明显灰尘及污渍;顶棚目视无明显灰尘及蜘蛛网;门窗清洁,玻璃清洁光亮,玻璃内侧每周擦拭一次;窗帘、窗台无灰尘;各类家具整洁、无灰尘;垃圾箱整洁、及时清空、更换塑料袋;其他附属设备设施清洁; (7) the ground clean dust and debris; PVC ground free of stains and cigarette burn marks, no stone surface stains, quarterly professional maintenance record; carpet dust free, weekly professional vacuum cleaner; staircases and handrails smooth clean; no obvious visual wall of dust and dirt; no obvious visual ceiling dust and cobwebs; clean the glass doors and windows, clean, wipe a glass inside a week; the window curtains, no dust, no dust and all kinds of furniture;; garbage clean, clear, timely replacement of plastic bags; other ancillary equipment and facilities clean; (8)洗手间无异味并定期投放除味剂;地面清洁无积水及污渍;大小便池及洗手盆清洁无污渍并保持本色;水龙头光洁并保持本色;手盆台面清洁无水迹;镜面光亮无污渍;门及隔断板、烘手器、皂液盒、卷纸器、纸篓等清洁并保持本色; (8) Restroom no smell and regularly put deodorant; floor cleaning and no water stains; urinals and sinks clean no dirt and keep the color bright and maintain color; tap; hand basin table clean no trace; mirror bright without stains; doors and partition board, hand dryer, soap box, paper roll is so clean and maintain the character, basket; (9)室内地面清扫应使用尘推加牵尘剂的方法进行处理,不得使用扫把;为防止交叉感染,要求每天必须对尘推布片和拖布片按规范消毒,使用专用的洗衣机和烘干机进行洗涤和烘干;拖布片按房间数量备足; (9) indoor floor cleaning should be used with lead dust to push method dust agent for processing, do not use the broom; in order to prevent cross infection, daily requirements must be on a piece of cloth and mop dust according to standard disinfection, washing and drying washing machine and dryer for mop; according to room number beizu; (10)病床、床旁桌椅及餐板每日清洁;擦拭病人用床旁桌及餐板,必须做到一桌一巾,一用一消毒;病人出院时,病床、床旁桌椅及餐板、储物柜等及时彻底清洁并消毒; (10) beds, bedside tables, chairs and meal boards are cleaned daily. Wipe the patient's bedside tables and meal boards. One table towel and one disinfectant must be done. When the patient is discharged, the hospital beds, bedside tables and chairs, meal boards and lockers are cleaned and sterilized in time. (11)各类清洁用具按院感要求实行严格清洁消毒,防止交叉感染,做到分类使用,分类摆放,使用色标或字标等标识进行区分; (11) all kinds of cleaning utensils should be strictly cleaned and sterilized according to the requirements of hospitals, so as to prevent cross infection. (12)室外区域路面清洁干净;垃圾桶清洁,倾倒及时;全天巡回保洁;及时清除路面积水、冰雪;遇有雨雪天气,大门内外地面有防滑设施和提示;定期修整和养护花草,保持美观; (12) the outdoor area is clean and clean; the trash can is clean and tipping in time; the whole day is on the road cleaning; timely clearing area and water and ice and snow; in case of rain and snow, there are anti-skid facilities and prompts inside and outside the gate, and regular trimming and maintenance of flowers and plants to keep beautiful. (13)保洁员有劝阻吸烟人员的义务,控烟区禁烟标识清楚,不得摆放烟具,不得有烟头、烟味;室外地面不得有烟头,固定吸烟区烟盒倾倒及时,保持清洁; (13) cleaners have to discourage smoking personnel duty, smoking tobacco control area are identified clearly, do not put any cigarette smoking, and smoke; outdoor ground with no smoking cigarette butts, fixed dumping in a timely manner, keep clean; (14)医用废物严格管理,收集时注意检查医用垃圾袋封袋严密、标识清晰完整,按医院要求及时运送到指定地点,使用专用电梯运送并负责电梯的清洁消毒;医用垃圾桶定期消毒,保持清洁;严禁私自留存、倒卖医用废物,一经发现按相关规定对物业及个人进行处罚; (14) medical waste collection strict management, pay attention to check the medical garbage bag bag tight, mark clear and complete, according to the hospital requirements timely delivery to the designated location, use the elevator for shipping and is responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of the elevator; medical garbage can regular disinfection, keep clean; privately retained, reselling medical waste is prohibited, once discovered by the relevant provisions of the property and personal punishment; (15)生活垃圾分类管理,垃圾桶定期清洁,桶内污物不超过2/3满,及时收集,负责运送到指定地点;使用专用电梯运送并负责电梯的清洁消毒; (15) classified management of domestic waste, regular cleaning of trash cans, less than 2/3 of the trash in the barrel, timely collection, responsible for transporting to the designated place, transporting and responsible for cleaning and disinfecting the elevator by special elevator. (16)有计划为各科室拆装窗帘和隔帘,常规每年二次,特殊科室根据科室需求决定; (16) there are plans to dismantle curtains and shades for all departments, two times a year, and the special departments are determined according to the requirements of the Department. (17)协助医院做好节能纤维 驱鸟设备 保定通风管道 塑料土工格栅 检查井模具 流水槽模具 锻造厂家 华尔街铜牛工作,水房、洗手间、洗澡间等有长流水、下水不通情况及时报修;负责区域内电灯及时开关; (17) assist the hospital to do well in energy saving work. Timely repair is needed for water, toilet, bathroom and so on. (18)保洁所需的清洁剂、洗涤剂、消毒剂、除味剂、地面保护药剂、生活垃圾袋等耗材,必须是通过国家卫生部门审批的环保型消耗品,且符合院感要求。 (18) cleaners, detergents, disinfectants, deodorants, ground protection agents, life garbage bags and other consumables must be approved by the National Health Department, and meet the requirements of the hospital. |
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